B:This guy, like a lot of the people in the arena, was totally asking for it. After the bulls and the runners come through the narrow, slick-stoned streets of Pamplona, they gather in an arena to go one on one with a bull. We rooted for the animals because the people that get hit are asking for it. They taunt and hit the bull and act surprised when they get nailed. This guy, for instance, thought he was pretty tough stuff the first few times he avoided injury. Then the bull got the last laugh by slamming him upside down a few times, with his shoe going in one direction and his legs in another. He staggered, obviously in a state of shock, to one of the many emergency personnel standing by.
D: we really really really wanted to run witht bulls. it is something that we have wanted to do as children. well me, since i saw "CITYSLICKERS". we thought we would watch first and run the next day. well...needless to say by the picture above, we did not. we are considered wusses by Spanish standards. see what they do not show us !XTREME ADRENALINE JUNKY! americans is the blood. ummmm...there was a lot of it...as well as laughing.
God, the world would be a much better place if testosterone didn't exist... thankfully these dumbasses are only hurting themselves here and not each other. I don't see how torturing animals equates to having "respect" for them, but I guess my country just doesn't have the necessary amount of history or tradition for me to truly appreciate the whole bull running past time.
I assume those black things on the tips of the bull's horns are rubber safeguards to keep people from getting run through? Or are the bull's horns actually bare?
I'm bookmarking this sumbitch! Keep on bloggin', Deni!
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