Friday, August 3, 2007

So I pushed an old lady...

and she was not the first. this is D here just coming in for a little comic relief. so, yeah...i pushed an old lady and i"ll push more i hafta! see you gracious polite americans, manners do not exist in europe. yeah! no joke! i have a feeling some of you already knew that though. for you older folk, you have to do what is called "throwing bows". it means throw them elbows, and that is exactly what i did. from the little old lady in itlay who just casually walked up in front of us waiting in a long, smokey, sweaty line to the old lady who almost got into it with bill at H&M...(she would have gotten it too!) you CANNOT let little old ladies push you around! we have been riding busses lately to get from country to country. no, no, stop it. it is not all glorious as you all may think. you have to get there about 30 minutes before the bus leaves to stand in line where people who got there 2 minutes ago cut in line in front of you. that is another story for another paragraph. so, we go get some 2 zolty ($) mickey d's burgers...cheaper than the dollar menu. we get about six of them and actually got seven. we thought the guy hooked us up, but i think he charged us. i fed a poor homeless man, you know me and my bleeding heart, and then got to the line to get the best seats possible. see there is a strategy to this. you either sit in the second two rows in the front because the bus driver keeps his stuff in the first two front rows so no one is in front of you...or you go for the set of seats that is right in front of the door in the back because you have a table right in front of you. well, me and bill are all ready on this like white on rice. the bus pulls up right in front of bill, so i stand back because he has two tickets and then i just raise my hand and they allow me entrance. there was little old lady...i mean little and OLD! i thought, well, i will let her go in front of me. no worries right? bill gets first dibs on seats, hell to the yes! i say excuse me to get to the front to get on. this old bat would not budge!!! i said excuse me once more and she satnds there like she does not speak english...and she probably did not but tapping did not do it nor did the politeness. so, i push the old battle-axe out of the way! i know what some of you might be thinking, and well, yeah! we got good seats! so, the next time somebody says, "rude americans!". say, "YES! we learned it from the europeans...just like cologne showers and chain-smoking!"


Jonathan Dewbre said...

Have you ever seen Sarah Silverman's "Jesus Is Magic?" Whenever you see an old person boarding a bus you should just break out the guitar and start singing the chorus of "You're Gonna Die Soon." They won't understand you, but they'll probably think you're insane and give you a wide berth.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah! and what about the ones that fart wherever and whenever?
I was raised to respect my elders, so I would gladly give up a seat or let someone in front of me if they would just be courteous!

A similar thing happened to me at WalMart.

How many old Ladies cut in line - 1
How many stayed there - 0

Anonymous said...

D— I can totally see you doing that AND I would do the same damn thing girl!!!! I know you guys are totally having the time of your life (well at least most of the time). Rock on!!!!